
(use at your own risk!)

Here are downloads of my patches, updates and packages of various bits and pieces of software I am involved with, unless they were merged upstream already.

PIC18F14k50 firmware and PCB files for my Gametrak mod
Download: KiCad project HEX file C code (GPL licensed)


SpaceNavigator support with udev and Linux input framework
Supporting files for 3DConnexion SpaceNavigator on Linux. These files are intended for Mageia 4, other distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse…) may need different setup!
Download: /etc/udev/rules.d/41-spacenavigator.rules
Download: /etc/udev/rules.d/41-spacenavigator-acl.rules
Example C code: spacenavig.c


Second Life support for SpaceNavigator
Replacement for the libndofdevlibrary used by the Second Life client to handle joysticks and the 6DOF devices on Windows and Macs.
Last update: 8.4.2014
Last changes: Added support for SpaceBall 5000 and moved to GitHub
GitHub: versions:
Source code for libndofdev-0.3.tar.gz
Download: Source code for libndofdev-0.2.tar.gz
Download: Source code for libndofdev-0.1.tar.gz

One thought on “Downloads

  1. Wilder Jiménez oliveros

    Muy buen proyecto felicitaciones estoy fabricando uno, gracias por sus ideas y experimentaciones.


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